who, what, when, where, why, and how of the

ancient egpyt .. its an essay. i did the rest of the essay.. can you help me i don't get it.. or give me some good links.


u gave me the link to search up ancient egpyt.. that's not help..

Did you try reading any of those articles to find the information you need?

Yea thanks

Of course, I can help you with the "who, what, when, where, why, and how" of Ancient Egypt. Let's break down each aspect one by one:

1. Who: Who were the people of Ancient Egypt? It is essential to discuss the pharaohs, who were the rulers of Egypt, as well as the priests, nobles, scribes, and common people. Family structures and the roles of women in society can also be explored.

To find information on the people of Ancient Egypt, reliable sources such as encyclopedias, academic books, or reputable websites can provide in-depth details. Some good online resources include National Geographic, British Museum, and the Ancient History Encyclopedia.

2. What: What were the major accomplishments and characteristics of Ancient Egypt? This can range from architectural achievements like the construction of pyramids, introduction of hieroglyphic writing, advancements in medicine and science, religious practices, and their belief in the afterlife.

To research the "what" of Ancient Egypt, look for specific topics that interest you and explore academic articles, books, and scholarly websites. The Metropolitan Museum of Art and the University of Chicago's Oriental Institute are excellent resources.

3. When: When did Ancient Egypt exist? The span of Ancient Egypt encompasses thousands of years from around 3100 BCE (beginning of the Early Dynastic Period) to the conquest of Egypt by Alexander the Great in 332 BCE.

To delve into the chronological timeline of Ancient Egypt, consult textbooks on Ancient Egyptian history or visit reputable websites such as Ancient Egypt Online and the University of Pennsylvania's Penn Museum.

4. Where: Where was Ancient Egypt located? Egypt is situated in Northeast Africa and is bordered by the Mediterranean Sea to the north and the Red Sea to the east. The Nile River, flowing from south to north, heavily influenced the civilization and played a central role in their way of life.

To understand the geographical aspects of Ancient Egypt, consult maps, atlases, or reference books that provide details about ancient civilizations and regions. The Encyclopaedia Britannica and the University of California, Berkeley's Ancient Egypt Research Associates offer useful information.

5. Why: Why did Ancient Egypt become such a prosperous and dominant civilization? Factors such as the Nile River's fertile land for agriculture, the natural barriers protecting Egypt from invasions, and the organized central authority of the pharaohs contributed to its success. The religious beliefs and the concept of the pharaoh as the divine ruler were also significant factors.

To explore the reasons behind Ancient Egypt's success, consult reputable sources such as academic journals, books, and articles. The University of Chicago's The Oriental Institute and the University College London's UCL Culture - Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology can provide valuable insights.

6. How: How did Ancient Egypt influence subsequent civilizations and contribute to human history? The impact of Ancient Egypt extends beyond its borders, as its art, architecture, systems of government, and belief systems left a lasting imprint on future societies. Understanding this influence and its legacy is crucial to comprehending its significance in history.

To explore the lasting impact of Ancient Egypt, consult books and articles that focus on the subject of Egyptian influence or visit university websites that offer courses or research material on ancient history. The Metropolitan Museum of Art's Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History is a valuable online resource.

By using these general guidelines, you will be able to find reliable sources and information to expand on each aspect of your essay. Remember to critically evaluate your sources to ensure they are reputable and trustworthy.