the amounts that increase the cash account are entered in what column?

To determine the column in which the amounts that increase the cash account are entered, you need to understand the basic accounting equation and how it is represented in a typical accounting journal or ledger.

The basic accounting equation is:

Assets = Liabilities + Equity

In this equation, assets are the resources owned by a business, liabilities are the obligations or debts owed by the business, and equity represents the owner's stake in the business.

For accounting purposes, the cash account is considered an asset. So when the cash account is increased, it means that an asset is being acquired or received. Therefore, the amounts that increase the cash account are entered in the column dedicated to recording increases in assets.

Typically, a double-entry accounting system is used, where every transaction affects at least two accounts. In this system, increases in assets are recorded in the debit column, while decreases in assets are recorded in the credit column. However, when the cash account is involved, it is generally recorded on the left side, or the debit side.

So, to answer your question, the amounts that increase the cash account are entered in the debit column.