I need help with a couple Psychology questions.

1. For most people, the ability to create language originates in the________.
A. hypothalamus
B. thalamus
C. right hemisphere
D. left hemisphere
**My answer=D

2. Facts leanred in classes at school become part of the _______ memory.
A. procedural
B. episodic
C. explicit
D. ionic
**My answer=C

Am I correct?
Thank you.

Agree on both.

ur right!

For question 1, you selected the answer D, which is "left hemisphere," and you are correct. The ability to create language typically originates in the left hemisphere of the brain for most individuals. This area is responsible for language production and processing.

To arrive at this answer, you can use your knowledge of brain lateralization and language processing. In the majority of right-handed individuals, the left hemisphere of the brain is dominant for language. It is responsible for functions such as speech production, grammar, and comprehension.

For question 2, you selected the answer C, which is "explicit memory," and you are correct. Facts learned in classes at school typically become part of our explicit memory, also known as declarative memory. This type of memory refers to the conscious recollection of information that can be intentionally recalled.

To determine the correct answer, it is helpful to understand the different types of memory. Procedural memory refers to the memory of how to perform certain tasks or skills (like riding a bike), whereas episodic memory involves the recollection of personal experiences. Ionic memory is not a type of memory but instead refers to the visual sensory memory lasting for a fraction of a second.

Overall, your answers are correct! Well done!