The Suarez family paid $15.75 for 3 movie tickets. How much would they have paid for 12 tickets.

12(15.75/3) =

15.75 x 4= ( 15.75/3 tickets )

MS Sue can you tell more information


To find out how much the Suarez family would have paid for 12 movie tickets, we can set up a proportion based on the given information.

Let's assume that the cost of 3 movie tickets is $15.75. We can represent this as:

3 tickets / $15.75 = 12 tickets / x

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply and then divide:

3 * x = 12 * $15.75
3x = $189
x = $189 / 3

By dividing $189 by 3, we find that the cost of 12 tickets would be $63.

Therefore, the Suarez family would have paid $63 for 12 movie tickets.