The following thesis statement indicates that the body of the speech will contain ____ numerals.

"Abraham Lincoln's speeches appealed to the emotion of listeners, conveyed a strong sense of leadership, and were sutied to the complicated political setting of times."

How many characeristics of Lincoln's speeches are listed?...Hint - look for compound verbs.

Then I would say the answer is

There are three subjects in his thesis statement.
emotion of listeners, conveyed leadership, and suited to complicated political times.

To identify the correct answer, we need to analyze the given thesis statement: "Abraham Lincoln's speeches appealed to the emotion of listeners, conveyed a strong sense of leadership, and were suited to the complicated political setting of times."

In this thesis statement, we can identify three distinct characteristics or subjects of Lincoln's speeches:

1. Appeals to the emotion of listeners
2. Conveys a strong sense of leadership
3. Suited to the complicated political setting of the times

Each of these characteristics has its own verb: appealed, conveyed, and suited. Therefore, the answer is b) 3, indicating that there are three characteristics listed in the thesis statement.