Read the folowing sentences from the novel. From which point of view are the sentences written?

It was past dawn when he woke, his feeling of contentment stll in him. He was no longer his own problem by Merchent Lyte's. Tomorrow at this time what would he be calling him? "Uncle Jonathan?" "Cousin Lyte?" Perhaps "Grandpa" and he laughed out loud.
A. First person-Johnny's point of view
B. First person-Merchant Lyte's point of view
C. Third- person limited
D. Third person ommiscient
Is the answer D?

That's word for word on my paper what should I choose?

I don't know. Make sure you know what third-person limited and third-person omniscient are.

Then ask your teacher for clarification.

It was limited

it c

i think it's omniscient because the text knows their emotions.

yes my theory was correct it is indeed D.


To determine the point of view of the sentences given, we need to focus on the pronouns used and the level of knowledge or insight into the characters' thoughts and feelings.

The sentences use third-person pronouns such as "he" and "his," indicating that the narrative is not told from Johnny's or Merchant Lyte's personal perspective.

Now, let's consider the level of knowledge and insight provided. The sentences describe the main character's thoughts, feelings, and contemplations, suggesting a limited perspective rather than an all-knowing narrator.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer is C) Third-person limited. This means that the story is told from an outside perspective, but the narrator has access to the thoughts and feelings of only one character (Johnny) in this case.

There isn't enough information here to know whether it's C or D.