Solve the equation algebraically. Round the result to three decimal places. Verify your answer using a graphing utility.

e−^8x − 6xe^−8x = 0

x =

I need help solving this problem.

To solve the equation algebraically, we can start by factoring out e^(-8x) from both terms:

e^(-8x)(1 - 6x) = 0

To find the solution, we set each factor equal to 0:

e^(-8x) = 0 and 1 - 6x = 0

The first equation, e^(-8x) = 0, has no solutions because e^(-8x) is never equal to 0.

The second equation, 1 - 6x = 0, can be solved as follows:

1 - 6x = 0
6x = 1
x = 1/6

Therefore, the solution to the equation e^(-8x) - 6xe^(-8x) = 0 is x = 1/6.

To verify this answer using a graphing utility:

1. Plot the given equation y = e^(-8x) - 6xe^(-8x).
2. Use the graphing utility to find the x-coordinate where the graph intersects the x-axis.
3. Round the x-coordinate to three decimal places.
4. Confirm that the rounded x-coordinate matches our algebraic solution of x = 1/6.

By following these steps, we can confirm that the solution to the equation e^(-8x) - 6xe^(-8x) = 0 is x = 0.167 (rounded to three decimal places).