A company rents its care for a daily fee, plus an additional charge per miles driven. Trip one is 4 days, 450 miles, and cost $244.50 for the rental. Trip two is 3 days, 200 miles and cost 149.00 for the rental. Find the daily fee, and find the mileage charge. I don't know how to set it up.

let the number of days be x

let the rate per mile be $ y

4x + 450y = 244.5
3x + 200y = 149

1st times 3 ---> 12x + 1350y = 733.5
2nd times 4 --> 12x + 800y = 596
subtract them:
550y = 137.5
y = .25

sub back into 2nd
3x+200(.25) = 149
3x + 50=149
3x = 99
x = 33

The daily rate is $33 and the charge per mile is $0.25