Create a black and white sketch of a woman portrayed realistically, demonstrating a strong use of proportion and shading. Make sure the figure appears as still and calm, without any hint of movement. No external color or texture should be applied to the image.

Sketch of a woman by Kiana S.

How does this artwork represent a student's skill and style?
A. The use of proportion and shading***
B. The use of color and perspective
C. The use of texture and color
D. The use of texture and movement

There is no color in the picture so I thought I should take out B and C. And the picture don't look like it's moving around. The proportion is good and the shading is good.
Would A be correct?



1. A

2. C
3. B
4. D

1. A- the use of proportion and shading

2. C- the art style you like to draw in mot that makes...
3. B- to create a sense of realism
4. D- knowledge of art history

1. A

2. C
3. B
4. D

Anonymous is correct! ACBD

1. A

2. C
3. B
4. D



All of those people are right!!! Thank you!

its A

A,C,B,D is 100% correct