Rosa is a newborn. As she grows, which will she learn to control last?

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As a newborn, Rosa will go through various stages of development and learn to control different parts of her body as she grows. The sequence in which she learns to control different abilities can vary from child to child, but generally speaking, some abilities are mastered later than others.

One of the last abilities that Rosa will learn to control is likely to be her fine motor skills, which involve the coordination and control of small muscles, particularly those in the hands and fingers. It takes time and practice for babies to learn how to purposefully move their hands and manipulate objects.

To develop her fine motor skills, Rosa will gradually gain better control over her hands and fingers through a series of developmental milestones. Here's a general progression of fine motor development:

1. Reflexive movements: As a newborn, Rosa will initially have involuntary movements and reflexes, such as the grasp reflex, where her fingers will automatically close around objects placed in her palm.

2. Reaching and grabbing: Around the age of 3 to 4 months, Rosa will start to reach out purposefully for objects that catch her attention. She may not have the precision yet, but she will be exploring her environment and learning to coordinate her movements.

3. Grasping and releasing: Between 4 and 6 months, Rosa will start to develop a more refined grasp. Initially, she may use a palmar grasp, holding objects against her palm with all fingers closed. Gradually, she will progress to a pincer grasp, where she can pick up smaller objects using her thumb and index finger.

4. Object manipulation: By around 9 to 12 months, Rosa's fine motor skills will continue to improve, and she will be able to manipulate objects more intentionally. She may learn to stack blocks, turn the pages of a book, or use her fingers to feed herself small pieces of food.

5. Fine motor precision: As Rosa approaches her first birthday and beyond, she will continue to refine her fine motor skills. She will gain more control over her fingers and develop greater precision in activities such as drawing with crayons, stringing beads, or using utensils for eating.

It's important to remember that every child is unique, and the timing of these milestones can vary. Some children may reach them earlier, while others may take a bit longer. By providing a supportive environment and plenty of opportunities for exploration and practice, Rosa will gradually learn to control her fine motor skills as she grows.