Expand and simplify (p+3)(p-7)

You should learn to do this until you can do it in one step, it is essential to know.

= p^2 - 7p + 3p - 21
= p^2 - 4p - 21

with practice you can get to the last line in one step

To expand and simplify the expression (p+3)(p-7), we can use the distributive property.

1. Distribute the first term p in (p+3) to both terms in (p-7):
p * (p-7) + 3 * (p-7)

2. Simplify each term:
p^2 - 7p + 3p - 21

3. Combine like terms:
p^2 - 4p - 21

So, the expanded and simplified expression of (p+3)(p-7) is p^2 - 4p - 21.