There are four kinds of road signs in a certain town. The number of each kind is shown. What

is the ratio of the number of school signs to the number of stop signs?

these answers are 100000% percent correct I just took the assessment.

6: Ratio 1: 60/45
Ratio 2: 60:45
Ratio 3: 60 of 45
7:X - the price per oz in the grocery store
y - the price per oz in the wholesale club

a) The answer is $0.031 per oz
He can buy 64 fl oz at the grocery store for $2.00:
64x = 2
x = 2 / 64
x = $0.031

b) The answer is $0.029 per oz
He can buy 256 fl oz at the wholesale club for $7.50:
256y = 7.50
x = 7.50 / 256
x = $0.029

c) The answer is wholesale club

Let's calculate where you can get more oz for $1 using the proportion.
Grocery store:
1 oz for $0.031
x oz for $1
1 : 0.031 = x : 1
x = 1 * 1 : 0.031
x = 32.26 oz

Wholesale club:
1 oz for $0.029
x oz for $1
1 : 0.029 = x : 1
x = 1 * 1 : 0.029
x = 34.48 oz

34.48 oz > 32.26 oz, so he should buy at the wholesale club

8:3/10 in = 7/8 ft
(3*8) / (10*7) in = 1 ft
24 / 70 in = 1 ft
0.3428 in = 1 ft

divide both sides by 0.3428

1 in = 2.917 ft
63,360 in are in a mile.

1: A

2: C
3: A
4: B
5: B
The Rest You have to do your self Moda


is the correct answer it's 100% correct!

1:9 to 10

3:0.8 meter per second
4:52 miles per hour
5:600 words in 12 minutes

Ok you guys I WAS SO CONFUSED between A,C,A,C,D or A,C,A,B,B but if you are doing Lesson 3 unit 6 math 7A! Then it is A,C,A,B,B I promise. I just got 100

Here we are 5 years later answer his question

2 is c also my bad

1:A 2:C 3:A 4:B 5:B

you got 5 wrong its b

Your all animals I don't know who to believe