(1) After my interview with these four young people, I reflected on the quiet sense of "difference" I sensed with many of these Upward Bound students. (2) As a college teacher who has also taught seventh-grade science, I have some experience with the faces and attitudes of adolescence. (3) Upward Bound students had those faces. (4) There was the puzzled coping with changing bodies—hormone hell. (5) There was ambivalence about "authority figures" and uncertainties about whether or not the world would have some place for them. (6) There were the studied rationalizations about lapses on homework assignments, moments of despair, adolescent angst—all of that. (7) But there was also that "difference." (8) Maybe it's one part knowing people care and one part beginning to trust the future. (9) I wasn't sure.

(Turner, "Onward and Upward: Upward Bound Helps Open College Doors," Virginia Journal of Education, June 1992. Adapted as fair usage.)

Which sentence in the passage can best be considered factual?

A. Sentence 4
B. Sentence 5
C. Sentence 2
D. Sentence 3

To determine which sentence in the passage can be considered factual, we need to assess each sentence and evaluate if it presents a verifiable statement or objective information.

Sentence 4 states, "There was the puzzled coping with changing bodies—hormone hell." This sentence describes a subjective experience of the students and is based on the author's perception rather than verifiable facts. Therefore, sentence 4 is not a factual statement.

Sentence 5 states, "There was ambivalence about 'authority figures' and uncertainties about whether or not the world would have some place for them." Similar to sentence 4, this sentence describes subjective feelings and uncertainties experienced by the students. It is not a factual statement.

Sentence 2 states, "As a college teacher who has also taught seventh-grade science, I have some experience with the faces and attitudes of adolescence." This sentence provides the author's personal background and experience as a college teacher and seventh-grade science teacher. It is a factual statement about the author's credentials and experience.

Sentence 3 states, "Upward Bound students had those faces." This sentence makes an observation about the physical appearances of the Upward Bound students. It does not provide any verifiable or objective information. Therefore, sentence 3 is not a factual statement.

Based on the analysis, the sentence that can best be considered factual is C. Sentence 2, as it provides verifiable information about the author's teaching experience and qualifications.