Director Ted Klines new movie, which didn't feature any stars, was finally released last may. This was a surprise. How do I fix this sentence? It's clarifying vague pronouns. I've tried redoing this so many times

Director Ted Kline's new movie, which didn't feature any stars, was finally released last May.

You problem was not with pronouns, but possessives and capitalization.

The question also centers around what "This" is referring to in the second sentence. What is "This"?

To fix the sentence and clarify the vague pronouns, you can rephrase it as follows:

"The new movie directed by Ted Klines, which did not feature any well-known actors, was finally released in May last year. The movie's release came as a surprise."

In this revised version, I replaced "Director Ted Klines" with "directed by Ted Klines" to provide a clearer and more concise description. Additionally, I replaced "his" with "the movie's" to avoid ambiguity.