Please check my history. Some of them I don't know.

If the statement is true, write "true". If it is false, write the word or words that would replace the underlined words to make it true.

1. The assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand sparked the beginning of World War I.
underlined: Archduke Franz Ferdinand.

2. Alvin York shot down at least 26 enemy planes and was America's leading ace pilot in the war.
underlined: Alvin York
I think it's false but I don't know what would replace it.

3. The war damages the Treaty of Versailles required Germany to pay to the Allies were called reparations.
underlined: reparations

4. Under the National War Labor Board, the nation's main wartime regulatory body, industrial production in the United States increased by about 20 percent.
underlined: National War Labor Board
FALSE: War Industries Board

5. The first point in Wilson's Fourteen Points called for the establishment of a League of Nations.
underlined: first
Not sure...

ok, i figured out that Eddie Rickenbacker would replace the underlined part of #2.

#2 (Broken Link Removed)

#5Open covenants of peace, openly arrived at, after which there shall be no private international understandings of any kind but diplomacy shall proceed always frankly and in the public view

how much water do you need to grow wheat

#5 = 14th and final point

To grow wheat, the specific water requirements may vary depending on factors such as climate, soil conditions, and stage of growth. However, wheat generally requires a consistent and adequate supply of water throughout its growing season.

Here's a general guideline for the water requirements of wheat:

1. Germination and establishment: During the initial stage, the soil needs to be moist to aid germination. The top few inches of soil should be kept consistently moist until the seeds have sprouted and established.

2. Vegetative growth: As the wheat plants develop their foliage, they need water to support healthy growth. The soil should be kept moderately moist, providing approximately 1-2 inches of water per week through rainfall or irrigation. This stage is critical for the development of a strong root system.

3. Jointing and heading: These stages are crucial for grain formation. The water requirements increase during this time, and the wheat plants may need around 2-3 inches of water per week. Adequate soil moisture levels are essential to ensure proper grain filling.

4. Grain filling and maturity: As the wheat heads start to fill with grain, consistent soil moisture is vital for proper grain development. During this stage, wheat plants generally require regular irrigation or rainfall equivalent to 2-2.5 inches per week.

It's important to note that these are general guidelines, and factors like local climate, rainfall patterns, soil type, and specific wheat varieties can influence the water requirements. It is recommended to consult with local agricultural experts or extension services for more precise information regarding water needs for wheat cultivation in your specific region.