I am 2 digit number

The difference between them is less then 1
The sum of them is a multiple of 9
The second digit is a factor of 27
What number am I ?

To find the number that satisfies all the given conditions, we can break down the problem step by step and eliminate possibilities.

First, let's consider the statement that the difference between the two digits is less than 1. This means that the two digits are either the same or differ by only one.

Next, the statement mentions that the sum of the digits is a multiple of 9. This means that the sum of the two digits must be either 9 or 18.

Now, let's look at the last statement that the second digit is a factor of 27. The factors of 27 are 1, 3, 9, and 27. Since we are dealing with 2-digit numbers, we can eliminate the factor 27.

Considering all these conditions, we can narrow down the possibilities:

For the sum of the digits equalling 9:
- If the two digits are the same, the number is 45.
- If the two digits differ by one, the number is 36 or 54.

For the sum of the digits equalling 18:
- If the two digits are the same, the number is 99.
- If the two digits differ by one, the number is 81 or 90.

Taking into account the last statement that the second digit is a factor of 27, we can now eliminate all the possibilities except for one.

The only number that satisfies all the given conditions is 99. The difference between the digits is less than 1, the sum of the digits (9 + 9) is 18, and the second digit (9) is a factor of 27.

Therefore, the number you are is 99.