What was the significance of the Mexican-American War? ( choose all that apply.) (2 points)

A. Land ceded as a result of the war helped complete U.S. continental expansion

B. Mexicans were often sold as slaves accelerating the slavery debate. ***

C. New Territories added as a result of this war helped fuel the slavery debate ***

D. Mexicans were sold as slaves as a result of the war

B is not right. But there is another right answer.

Is the answer A

Yes. A is correct.

@Anonymous is 10 for 10 correct took and got all of them correct

*smack* noice joob

To determine the significance of the Mexican-American War, let's evaluate each option:

A. Land ceded as a result of the war helped complete U.S. continental expansion: This option is correct. As a result of the Mexican-American War, the United States acquired vast territories, including present-day California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, and parts of Colorado, Wyoming, Kansas, and Oklahoma. This acquisition helped complete the U.S. continental expansion.

B. Mexicans were often sold as slaves, accelerating the slavery debate: This option is incorrect. While slavery was a contentious issue in the United States during this time, the Mexican-American War did not directly relate to Mexicans being sold as slaves. The slavery debate primarily revolved around whether slavery would be allowed in the newly acquired territories.

C. New Territories added as a result of this war helped fuel the slavery debate: This option is correct. The acquisition of new territories as a result of the Mexican-American War intensified the debate over the expansion of slavery. It raised questions about whether slavery would be permitted in these new territories, contributing to the rising tensions between the North and South.

D. Mexicans were sold as slaves as a result of the war: This option is incorrect. While slavery existed in parts of the United States during that time, the Mexican-American War did not directly lead to Mexicans being sold as slaves.

So, the correct answers are:

A. Land ceded as a result of the war helped complete U.S. continental expansion.
C. New Territories added as a result of this war helped fuel the slavery debate.

Please note that the point values mentioned (2 points) are specific to the context in which you provided this question.

Full 100% answers to the "From the Constitution to the Civil War" lesson 5

1.) A & C

2.) B, C, & D

3.) A, B, & D

4.) A & C