Both a father and mother have dimples. Their son has dimples, but their daughter does not. Which genes, DD, Dd, or dd, does each family member have?

Father and Mother= DD
Son= Dd

Son can be DD, or Dd

Mom, Father each are Dd
daughter is dd

To determine which genes each family member has, we need to understand the inheritance pattern of dimples. In this case, we can assume that dimples are controlled by a single gene, with two possible versions or alleles: D (dominant) and d (recessive).

Since both the father and mother have dimples, it means they each have at least one copy of the dominant allele D. The father and mother could either be homozygous dominant (DD) or heterozygous (Dd). However, since the son has dimples, it means he also inherited at least one D allele from one of his parents. Therefore, we can conclude that the son's genotype is Dd.

On the other hand, the daughter does not have dimples, which means she inherited two recessive alleles (dd). Since both parents have at least one D allele, they cannot pass on two d alleles to their daughter.

So, to summarize:
- Father: DD
- Mother: DD
- Son: Dd
- Daughter: dd