Estimate the product then complete the multiplication

5 4/5× 7/1.
Is the answer 203/5

You found the actual answer. But your instructions tell you to estimate first.

6 * 7 = 42

estimate? 6x7=42

multiplication: 29/5 * 7/1=203/5=40.6

To estimate the product of 5 4/5 and 7/1, you can round 5 4/5 to the nearest whole number, which is 6, and round 7/1 to the nearest whole number, which is 7. Then, multiply these two numbers to get an estimate for the product.

6 * 7 = 42

Now, let's complete the actual multiplication to find the exact answer.

To multiply a whole number and a fraction, you can convert the whole number to a fraction by putting it over a denominator of 1, then multiply the numerators and denominators.

5 4/5 can be written as (5 * 5 + 4) / 5 = 29/5

Now multiply 29/5 by 7/1:

(29/5) * (7/1) = (29 * 7) / (5 * 1) = 203/5

Therefore, the exact answer is 203/5, which matches your answer.