How to check 4=-2(4.5p+25) so the answers both check out and equal each other?

let's first solve it ....

4 = -2(4.5p + 25)
4 = -9p - 50
9p = -54
p = -54/9

LS (for left side) = 4
RS = -2(4.5(-54/9) + 25)
= -2(-27 + 25)
= -2(-2)
= 4
= LS
since LS = RS, my solution is correct

To check if the equation 4 = -2(4.5p + 25) is true and both sides of the equation are equal, follow these steps:

Step 1: Distribute the -2:

Multiply -2 by both terms inside the parentheses:

4 = -2 * 4.5p - 2 * 25

Which simplifies to:

4 = -9p - 50

Step 2: Combine like terms:

Move the -9p to the left side of the equation, and the 4 and -50 to the right side:

9p = -46

Step 3: Divide both sides by 9:

Divide both sides of the equation by 9 to solve for p:

p = -46/9

So, the solution for p is -46/9.

Step 4: Substitute the value of p back into the original equation:

Replace p with -46/9 in the original equation:

4 = -2(4.5 * (-46/9) + 25)

Simplify the equation:

4 = -2(-20 + 25)

4 = -2(5)

4 = -10

Step 5: Check if both sides of the equation are equal:

Since 4 does not equal -10, the original equation 4 = -2(4.5p + 25) does not hold true with p = -46/9.

Therefore, there is no value of p that satisfies the equation and makes both sides equal.

To check the given equation 4 = -2(4.5p + 25), we need to substitute a value for 'p' that makes both sides of the equation equal. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Start with the equation 4 = -2(4.5p + 25).

Step 2: Simplify the equation by performing the necessary operations. Distribute the -2 to the terms inside the parentheses.

4 = -9p - 50.

Step 3: Isolate the variable 'p' by moving the constant term to the other side of the equation. Add 50 to both sides.

4 + 50 = -9p.

54 = -9p.

Step 4: Finally, solve for 'p' by dividing both sides of the equation by -9.

54 / -9 = p.

p = -6.

Step 5: Substitute the value of 'p' into the original equation to check if the answer is correct.

Replace 'p' with -6 in the equation:

4 = -2(4.5(-6) + 25).

Simplify the equation:

4 = -2(-27 + 25).

4 = -2(-2).

4 = 4.

Both sides of the equation are equal, confirming that the value of 'p' is correct. Therefore, the solution to the equation 4 = -2(4.5p + 25) is p = -6.