solve the equation y=20x+27500

The equation is solved. Now if you want a y for a particular x, you have to have some x.


To solve the equation y = 20x + 27500, we can use the process of isolating the variable x. Here's a step-by-step explanation of how to solve it:

1. Start with the equation: y = 20x + 27500

2. To isolate the variable x, we need to get rid of the constant term 27500 on the right side of the equation. We can do this by subtracting 27500 from both sides of the equation:
y - 27500 = 20x

3. Now, we want to get x alone on one side of the equation. Since x is being multiplied by 20, we can divide both sides of the equation by 20 to cancel out the multiplication:
(y - 27500)/20 = (20x)/20

4. Simplifying the equation gives us:
(y - 27500)/20 = x

5. Finally, we have x isolated on one side of the equation. The equation is now solved for x, giving us the answer:
x = (y - 27500)/20

So, to solve the equation y = 20x + 27500, the solution is x = (y - 27500)/20.