How important is it that members of a society share certain views in common?

Very important! If members of a society don't have some common views, they will not agree on common action, therefore making it difficult for them to work together.

Certain views need to be shared, at least in the sense that people can come to a compromise. The diversity of opinions is also very important. It is often through some conflict that innovative approaches to societal problems can be achieved.

To understand the importance of having shared views in a society, we can consider the following steps:

1. Recognize the value of shared values: When members of a society share certain fundamental values, it creates a sense of shared identity and belonging. This promotes social cohesion and unity, which are crucial for a functioning society.
2. Facilitate cooperation and collaboration: When people have shared views, it becomes easier for them to cooperate and work together towards common goals. Shared values provide a basis for communication and understanding, enabling more effective collaboration.
3. Foster a sense of trust and social harmony: Shared views help build trust among individuals and groups within a society. A shared moral framework allows for a common understanding of right and wrong, promoting fairness, justice, and social harmony.
4. Enable effective decision-making: In a society where members hold different and conflicting views, reaching consensus on important matters can be difficult. Shared views provide a foundation for decision-making, as people can align their perspectives and navigate differences to find common ground.
5. Enhance social stability: When members of a society share certain values, it reduces the likelihood of social divisions and conflicts. Shared values act as a cohesive force, promoting stability and reducing the potential for social unrest.
6. Encourage social progress: While shared views are important, it's also crucial to embrace diversity of perspectives and allow for dialogue and debate. By engaging with different ideas, societies can evolve, adapt, and progress.

In summary, having some shared views in a society is crucial for cooperation, collaboration, trust-building, decision-making, social stability, and progress. However, it's important to strike a balance between shared values and respecting diversity of opinions to maintain a healthy and inclusive society.