Would Arabic becoming an important language count as a change to the spread of islam in a ccot essay


Thank you

No it wouldnt Arabic is language that came before Islam. Study your facts ms.Sue

Actually this is an interesting topic since it requires looking at the geographic extent of the Arabic language before and after the spread of Islam. Although not every Muslim speaks Arabic today, the geographic extent of the Arabic language being spoken was greatly increased as Islam spread. Even areas with significant populations of Christians that remain to this day (such as in Lebanon and Palestine), Arabic spread nearly as quickly as Islam did.

In a CCOT (Continuity and Change Over Time) essay, it is important to analyze and discuss both continuity and change in a particular topic or theme over a specific period of time. If you are writing about the spread of Islam, the increasing importance of the Arabic language can indeed be considered a change that occurred during a specific time period.

To address this change in the spread of Islam, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the time frame: Determine the specific period you will be analyzing in your essay. For example, you might focus on the spread of Islam from the 7th to the 15th century.

2. Establish continuity: Outline the main aspects or characteristics of the spread of Islam that remained consistent during the chosen time period. This could include elements such as religious beliefs, trade routes, or migration patterns.

3. Analyze change: In this case, examine the role of the Arabic language in the spread of Islam over time. Analyze how Arabic became increasingly important and widespread, and its impact on the dissemination of Islamic ideas and practices. Discuss the reasons behind this change, such as the linguistic influence of the Qur'an, the emergence of Arabic as a scholarly and cultural language, or the role of Arab traders and Arab empires in expanding Islam.

4. Provide evidence: Support your analysis with specific examples and evidence. This could include references to historical texts, accounts of Islamic scholars and travelers, or the architectural and literary developments associated with the spread of Islam and the use of Arabic.

5. Address counterarguments: Acknowledge any potential counterarguments to your claim. Consider other factors that might have influenced the spread of Islam during that period, and explain why the increasing importance of Arabic is a significant change worth highlighting.

6. Conclusion: Summarize your analysis of the change in the spread of Islam through the increasing significance of the Arabic language. Emphasize the overall impact this change had on Islam's expansion, cultural influence, and the development of Islamic societies.

Remember, the key to a successful CCOT essay is to analyze both continuity and change over a specific time period, providing evidence and explanations for both aspects.