In a Map a distance of 50KM between two places A and B represented by 4m. What will be the actual distance between A and C, represented on the map considered as 7cm?

50:4 :: 7:x
50x : 4 X 7
x = 4 X 7 / 50 = 7/12.5
Please varify this question.

That's an awfully big map if 50 km is represented by 4 meters. Are you sure its not 4 centimeters = 50 km?

Its says 4 cm


It should be:

50/4 = x/7

The scale of a map is given by 1:2000000 two cities are 15 c.m apart on the maps .find the actual distance between them?

To verify the question, we need to solve the proportion equation:

50:4 :: 7:x

The ratio on the left side of the proportion represents the relationship between the actual distance and the map representation. The ratio on the right side represents the relationship between the unknown actual distance and the map representation.

To solve this proportion equation, we can use the concept of cross-multiplication:

50x = 4 * 7

Now, we can simplify the equation:

50x = 28

To isolate x, we divide both sides of the equation by 50:

x = 28 / 50

Simplifying further:

x = 0.56

Therefore, the actual distance between A and C is approximately 0.56 kilometers when it is represented by 7 centimeters on the map.