Kendra has a painting canvas that is 27 inches wide by 33 inches high. She painted a red rose, which covered 40% of the canvas.

What was the area of the canvas which was covered by the red rose?


27 * 33 * .4 = ?


To find the area of the canvas covered by the red rose, we need to calculate 40% of the total area of the canvas.

To do this, let's first find the total area of the canvas:
Area = Width x Height

Given that the canvas is 27 inches wide by 33 inches high, we can substitute these values into the formula to find the total area:
Area = 27 inches x 33 inches
Area = 891 square inches

Now, we need to find 40% of the total area. To do this, we multiply the total area by 40% (or 0.4 in decimal form):
Area covered by the red rose = 0.4 x 891 square inches
Area covered by the red rose = 356.4 square inches

Therefore, the area of the canvas covered by the red rose is 356.4 square inches.