What is the riddle for moving words

Do you know why. Street. Runs

The riddle you might be referring to is commonly known as a "word ladder" or "word chain." This type of riddle presents you with two words, and the challenge is to transform one word into the other by changing one letter at a time, making a valid word at every step. Each step should involve changing only one letter, and each intermediate word must be a valid English word.

For example, let's say the starting word is "cold" and the target word is "warm." You can transform "cold" into "cord" by changing the 'l' to an 'r'. Then, you can transform "cord" into "word" by changing the 'c' to a 'w'. Finally, you can transform "word" into "warm" by changing the 'd' to an 'm'.

The challenge is to find the shortest possible chain of words to solve the riddle. Some word ladders may require only a few steps, while others might be much longer and more challenging. It often helps to have access to a comprehensive dictionary or word list to check if each intermediate word is valid.

Remember, the goal is to transform one word into another by changing only one letter at a time, creating valid words at every step.


No clue dude,ur going to fail that homework grade. Go ahead and tell the teacher to give u a BIG 0% in the grade book....

Solve your math problems and you'll find the answer.