What does 0.053 M NaCl mean? How many grams of sodium chloride are needed to make 5.0 liters of this solution?

0.053M means you have 0.053 mols NaCl/Liter of solution.

Since M = mols/L you can rearrange that to M x L = mols and 0.053 x 5L = ? mols in 5L of solution.
If you want to convert that to grams it is
grams = mols x molar mass = ?

grams would = 15.4866?

.053x5 = .265
molar mass of NaCl = 58.44 (Na=22.99 + Cl=35.45)
.265x58.44 = 15.4866...

I think I did this correctly, if I did not please let me know where I went wrong. Thank you

Yes, except you have too many places in yur answer. You are allowed only two places (from the 0.053 which has two significant figures and the 5.0 has two s.f.). Therefore, you should round the final answer to two s.f. and that would be 15.(written 15. or 1.5E1).

The term "0.053 M NaCl" represents the concentration of a sodium chloride (NaCl) solution. Molarity (M) is a unit of concentration that measures the amount of solute (in moles) dissolved in a given volume of solvent (in liters).

In this case, "0.053 M NaCl" means that there are 0.053 moles of NaCl dissolved in each liter of solution.

To calculate the amount of grams of NaCl needed to make a 5.0-liter solution with a concentration of 0.053 M, you need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the number of moles needed.
Multiply the molarity (0.053 M) by the volume of solution in liters (5.0 L):
0.053 moles/L * 5.0 L = 0.265 moles

Step 2: Convert moles to grams.
To convert moles to grams, you need to know the molar mass of NaCl, which is 58.44 g/mol. Multiply the moles by the molar mass:
0.265 moles * 58.44 g/mol = 15.44 grams

Therefore, to make a 5.0-liter solution with a concentration of 0.053 M NaCl, you would need 15.44 grams of sodium chloride.