Sarah has two part-time jobs and needs to earn at least $300 total per week. Job A pays her $10 an hour and job B pays $7.50 an hour. Wite an equality that represents this scenario.

I assume you want her pay to be a function of the number of hourse worked

let the number of hours worked be h

Pay ≥ 10h + 7.5h
pay ≥ 17.5 h

Your job pays $6 per hour. Write a variable expression for your pay in dollars for working h hours. What is your pay if you work 32 hours?

To write an equality that represents this scenario, let's assign variables to the unknown quantities.

Let's say the number of hours Sarah works at job A is "x" and the number of hours she works at job B is "y".

Now, let's translate the given information into an equation. Sarah needs to earn at least $300 total per week.

The total amount earned from job A is $10 per hour multiplied by the number of hours worked, so the earnings from job A can be represented as 10x.

Similarly, the total amount earned from job B is $7.50 per hour multiplied by the number of hours worked, so the earnings from job B can be represented as 7.50y.

Adding the earnings from both jobs should give us the total amount earned, which is at least $300.

Therefore, the equality that represents this scenario is:
10x + 7.50y ≥ 300.