criticism of the information processing approach is that it..

a. doesn't form a comprehensive theory
b. lacks scientific research
c. focuses on creativity and imagination, while ignoring other mental processes.
d. views children a blank slates

The information processing approach in psychology refers to the theoretical framework that views the human mind as similar to a computer, processing information through various stages such as encoding, storage, and retrieval. While this approach has been influential in understanding cognitive processes, it has also generated some criticism. Let's go through each option to understand the criticisms of the information processing approach:

a. "Doesn't form a comprehensive theory": One criticism is that the information processing approach is often seen as more of a framework or model rather than a comprehensive theory. It focuses primarily on how information is processed rather than providing a deep understanding of the underlying mechanisms and structures involved in mental processes.

b. "Lacks scientific research": Some critics argue that the information processing approach has been criticized for not having sufficient empirical evidence to support its claims. Although there is a considerable amount of research backing the theory, some argue that there is not enough experimental data to provide conclusive support.

c. "Focuses on creativity and imagination, while ignoring other mental processes": This option highlights a criticism that the information processing approach tends to prioritize certain mental processes, such as memory, attention, and problem-solving, while neglecting other aspects like motivation, emotion, and social cognition. Critics argue that a more holistic approach should be taken to understand the mind.

d. "Views children as blank slates": This criticism pertains to the assumption within the information processing approach that individuals, especially children, are considered to be blank slates upon which information is rapidly processed and stored. Some argue that this perspective oversimplifies the complexity of individual differences, prior knowledge, and sociocultural influences that shape cognitive development.

To summarize, the critics of the information processing approach argue that it lacks a comprehensive theory, may have insufficient scientific research, tends to focus on certain mental processes while neglecting others, and oversimplifies the role of individual differences in cognitive development. It is essential to approach any psychological theory or framework critically, considering its strengths and limitations in explaining human cognition.