How do i find the missing number in a proportion?

24/12 = 8/x

You cross multiply and solve for x.

24x = 8 * 12
24x = 96
x = ??

Cross multiply then divide. I figured it out. the answer would be 32

24/12 = 8/32

24x = 8 * 12

24x = 96
So X=4

No, 24*x = 8*12

24x = 96
x = 96/24 = 4
Another way of looking at it is
24/12 = 8/x
2 = 8/x
2x = 8
x = 4

That's what i got. I got x = 4. Why you say No?

DrBob was responding to your answer. It is not 32.

Go back and look at your post.

You wrote, "Cross multiply then divide. I figured it out. the answer would be 32

24/12 = 8/32

So, I said No. The answer is x = 4 and not 32.

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To find the missing number in a proportion, you can use cross multiplication.

In the given proportion 24/12 = 8/x, you have two ratios: 24/12 and 8/x.

To cross multiply, you multiply the numerator of the first ratio (24) with the denominator of the second ratio (x), and then multiply the denominator of the first ratio (12) with the numerator of the second ratio (8).

So, (24)(x) = (12)(8).

Simplifying this equation, you get 24x = 96.

To isolate the variable x, divide both sides of the equation by 24:

(24x)/24 = 96/24.

x = 4.

Therefore, the missing number (x) in the proportion 24/12 = 8/x is 4.