Currently you have $80 and your sister has $145. You decide to save $6 of your allowen e each week, while your sister spends her whole allowance plus $7 a week. How long will it be before you have as much money as your sister?

80 + 6x = 145 - 7x

Solve for x.


To determine how long it will take for you to have as much money as your sister, we can set up an equation based on the given information.

Let's assume it will take x weeks for you to catch up with your sister's savings.

Your starting amount of money is $80, and you save $6 each week. Therefore, the amount of money you will have after x weeks is 80 + 6x.

Your sister's starting amount of money is $145, and she spends her whole allowance plus $7 each week. Therefore, the amount of money she will have after x weeks is 145 - (x * 7).

To find the point at which you both have the same amount of money, set up the equation:

80 + 6x = 145 - 7x

Now, let's solve for x:

80 + 6x + 7x = 145
13x = 145 - 80
13x = 65
x = 65 / 13
x = 5

Based on the calculation, it will take 5 weeks for you to have as much money as your sister.