solve the equation for c=0.12(68)+59.99

.12*68 = 8.16.

Add that to 59.99 and you will have the value of c

12*68 = 8.16.

Add that to 59.99 and you will have the value of c

12 is not 0.12

To solve the equation for c in the given expression, c = 0.12(68) + 59.99, we need to follow the order of operations (PEMDAS/BODMAS).

Step 1: Calculate the value inside the parentheses.
0.12(68) = 8.16

Step 2: Substitute the calculated value back into the original equation.
c = 8.16 + 59.99

Step 3: Add the two numbers.
c = 68.15

Therefore, the solution to the equation is c = 68.15.