Basically, I'm confused on this. The sentence is below:

The old English word handbook, for example, has slightly different meaning from the french derived manual, a close synonym.

I have to find the verbal, appositive, prepositional and absolute phrase (if any) in the sentence, and I'm just totally lost. Is there anyone who can help?

The old English word = complete subject (word = simple subject)

handbook = appositive to "word"

for example = transitional phrase

has slightly different meaning from the French derived manual, a close synonym. = complete predicate

has = main verb

slightly different meaning = direct object (meaning) and modifiers

from the French derived manual = prepositional phrase

a close synonym = appositive to "manual"


PS -- There are no subordinate clauses in there -- just one main clause and plenty of modifiers and phrases.


In the given sentence, the verbal, appositive, prepositional, and absolute phrases can be identified as follows:

1. Verbal phrase:
There is no verbal phrase present in the sentence. A verbal phrase includes a verb form (participles, gerunds, or infinitives) and any accompanying modifiers or complements.

2. Appositive phrase:
The appositive phrase in the sentence is "handbook." It renames or defines the noun "word" and provides additional information about it.

3. Prepositional phrase:
The prepositional phrase in the sentence is "from the French derived manual." It starts with the preposition "from" and includes the object "manual," which is modified by the adjectival phrase "the French derived."

4. Absolute phrase:
There is no absolute phrase present in the sentence. An absolute phrase includes a noun or pronoun followed by a participle or participial phrase and provides additional information about the main clause.

To identify these phrases, it is helpful to understand their definitions and functions. You can refer to the provided links for more information and resources on grammar and sentence analysis.