
I was asked to watch a video about the civil rights movement.
and state 3 big ideas and to explain why I made them my 3 big ideas
I put
and explained why
.. Is that 3 ideas ?

Next part they asked

How would the story be different if Kurt Vonnegut wrote it during the


Huh? Can someone explain this to me? Im not asking for anyone to do my work,just explain?

Go to Wikipesia or somewhere and read about this author. Find out what he wrote about and what his attitudes and interests were. You have to know those things before you can address this question.


Thank you so much !

You're welcome.

Of course, I'd be happy to explain!

For the first part, you chose the big ideas of Freedom, Equality, and Justice. These are indeed three distinct ideas related to the civil rights movement. Here's a brief explanation for each one:

1. Freedom: The civil rights movement in the United States aimed to ensure that all individuals, regardless of their race, were granted the same rights and freedoms as white individuals. This included freedoms such as the right to vote, access to public accommodations, and equal treatment under the law.

2. Equality: The civil rights movement sought to achieve equality for African Americans and other marginalized groups who were experiencing systemic discrimination and segregation. This idea emphasized the need to ensure equality in all aspects of life, including education, employment, housing, and social opportunities.

3. Justice: The civil rights movement was fueled by the demand for justice, as African Americans faced rampant inequality, racism, and violence at the hands of both individuals and institutions. The pursuit of justice involved challenging discriminatory laws and practices, seeking legal redress for racial injustices, and holding accountable those who perpetuated racial oppression.

Now, moving on to the second part of your question. It asks how the story would be different if the writer Kurt Vonnegut had written it during the 1340s, 1640s, or 1990s. By "the story," it likely refers to a hypothetical account of the civil rights movement.

The question asks you to consider how the story would be shaped by the historical contexts of these different time periods. Here's a brief explanation:

1. 1340s: In the 1340s, Europe was experiencing the devastating effects of the Black Death (bubonic plague), which greatly impacted society, politics, and the economy. Given the dire circumstances of this time period, it's unlikely that a story about the civil rights movement would exist as we understand it today because the movement had not yet occurred.

2. 1640s: This time period was marked by colonial expansion, slavery, and colonization by European powers. While there were no civil rights movements as we know them, there were struggles for freedom and justice by enslaved Africans, indigenous peoples, and other marginalized groups. Therefore, a story written in this context might focus more on resistance against oppression and the fight for emancipation.

3. 1990s: By the 1990s, the civil rights movement in the United States had already made significant strides in achieving legal equality, but there were still ongoing challenges in combating systemic racism and achieving full social and economic justice. A story written during this period might focus on the ongoing struggles for racial equality, the broader impacts of the movement, and the need for continued activism and progress.

In summary, considering different historical periods allows us to think about how the specific circumstances and challenges of each era would shape the narrative and message of a story about the civil rights movement.