Suppose that young adults own an average of 3 pairs of jeans. Survey 8 people from your class to determine if the average is higher than 3.

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To determine if the average number of jeans owned by young adults in your class is higher than 3, you will need to conduct a survey. Here are the step-by-step instructions for carrying out the survey:

Step 1: Identify the 8 people from your class whom you will survey. You can either select them randomly or based on certain criteria, such as age or gender.

Step 2: Prepare the survey questions. In this case, you will ask each participant to provide the number of jeans they own.

Step 3: Contact each participant and inform them about the survey. You can send them an email or approach them personally.

Step 4: Set a convenient time for each participant to respond to the survey. Make sure to receive their responses within a specific timeframe to maintain consistency.

Step 5: Provide the survey questions to each participant and ask them to fill in the number of jeans they own.

Step 6: Collect all the survey responses once all participants have completed the questionnaire.

Step 7: Calculate the average number of jeans owned by the participants. Add up the total number of jeans owned by all 8 participants and divide it by 8.

Step 8: Compare the average number of jeans calculated in Step 7 with the given average of 3. If the calculated average is higher than 3, then you can conclude that, based on this sample, young adults in your class own more than 3 pairs of jeans on average. Otherwise, if the calculated average is equal to or lower than 3, it would indicate that young adults in your class own 3 or fewer pairs of jeans on average.

Note: Keep in mind that this survey represents a small sample size and it might not reflect the true average for all young adults. To get a more accurate estimate, it would be necessary to survey a larger and more diverse group of young adults.

To determine whether the average number of jeans owned by young adults is higher than 3, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify a group of young adults you would like to survey. In this case, you mentioned that you would survey 8 people from your class.

2. Collect data by asking each individual in your sample about the number of jeans they own. Make sure to record their responses accurately.

3. Calculate the average by adding up the total number of jeans owned by the respondents and then dividing it by the number of people surveyed.

4. Compare the calculated average to the given average of 3 to see if it is higher or lower.

For example, let's say you surveyed 8 people and recorded their responses as follows:

Person 1: 4 pairs of jeans
Person 2: 2 pairs of jeans
Person 3: 3 pairs of jeans
Person 4: 3 pairs of jeans
Person 5: 1 pair of jeans
Person 6: 5 pairs of jeans
Person 7: 3 pairs of jeans
Person 8: 4 pairs of jeans

To calculate the average, you would add up the number of jeans: 4 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 5 + 3 + 4 = 25. Then divide by the number of people surveyed (in this case, 8).

Average = 25 / 8 = 3.125

Since the calculated average (3.125) is higher than the given average of 3, you can conclude that, based on your survey, young adults in your class own more than 3 pairs of jeans on average.