The DNA of a neuron is located in its

1. dendrite
2. axon
3. cell body
4. Golgi apparatus

3. In future posts, indicate the answers you think are correct.


The DNA of a neuron is located in its cell body.

The correct answer is 3. cell body.

To determine the location of the DNA in a neuron, you can start by understanding the basic structure of a neuron. A typical neuron consists of three main components: the dendrites, the cell body (also known as the soma), and the axon.

Dendrites are branched projections that receive signals from other neurons and transmit them towards the cell body. While dendrites contain genetic material in the form of RNA, they do not house the main DNA of the neuron.

The axon is a long, slender projection that conducts electrical impulses away from the cell body and towards other neurons. Just like the dendrites, the axon does not contain the DNA of the neuron.

The Golgi apparatus is an organelle involved in the sorting, packaging, and modification of proteins within the cell. Although the Golgi apparatus plays an essential role in cell function, it is not the site of DNA storage in neurons.

The DNA of a neuron is primarily located in the cell body or soma. The cell body contains the nucleus, which houses the DNA, and other organelles necessary for the cell's metabolism and survival. The DNA in the nucleus provides the genetic instructions for the production of proteins essential for the neuron's structure and function.

Therefore, option 3. cell body is the correct answer.