change the following mixed numbers to a fraction in the forma/b were a and b are integers

3 5/6 ?

1 = 6 / 6

3 = 3 * 6 / 6 = 18 / 6

3 5 / 6 = 18 / 6 + 5 / 6 = 23 / 6

To convert the mixed number 3 5/6 to a fraction in the form a/b, you can follow these steps:

1. Multiply the whole number (3) by the denominator of the fraction (6): 3 * 6 = 18.

2. Add the result from step 1 to the numerator of the fraction (5): 18 + 5 = 23.

3. Place the result from step 2 over the original denominator (6): 23/6.

So, the mixed number 3 5/6 can be written as the fraction 23/6.

To change the mixed number 3 5/6 to a fraction in the form a/b, where a and b are integers, you can follow these steps:

1. Rewrite the mixed number as an improper fraction:
Multiply the whole number by the denominator of the fraction, and then add the numerator.
In this case, 3 (whole number) * 6 (denominator) + 5 (numerator) = 18 + 5 = 23.
So, the mixed number 3 5/6 can be written as the improper fraction 23/6.

2. Simplify the fraction if possible:
Check if the numerator and denominator share any common factors that can be canceled out.
In this case, 23 and 6 do not share any common factors, so the fraction 23/6 is already in its simplest form.

Therefore, the mixed number 3 5/6 can be written as the fraction 23/6.