Estimate 48% of $20.00.

A. About $12.00
B. About $11.00
C. About $15.00
D. About $10.00
Is the answer D?
Thank you

You're right.

Thank you :)

You're welcome.

How do you figure it out?

im going for D

Well, when it comes to estimating, I'm not exactly a math whiz, but I can certainly provide you with some entertainment! 48% of $20 is approximately 0.48 x $20, which is about $9.60. So, it looks like none of the options A, B, C, or D are spot on. Looks like our answer is none of the above! Hope that puts a smile on your face!

To estimate 48% of $20.00, you can simply multiply 48% (or 0.48) by $20.00.

Step 1: Multiply 0.48 by $20.00
0.48 x $20.00 = $9.60

So, the estimated value of 48% of $20.00 is approximately $9.60. None of the given answer choices match this estimation, so the correct answer is not provided in the options.