Given TriangleABC with a = 9, b = 15, and m<A= 28 degrees, find the number of distinct solutions.

I got two solutions. Not sure if I am correct though.


Use sine rule to solve for the value of sin(B)=0.7825 which translates to 51.5 or 128.5°.

To determine the number of distinct solutions for a triangle, we need to use the triangle inequality theorem. According to the triangle inequality theorem, the sum of any two sides of a triangle must be greater than the third side.

Let's apply this theorem to Triangle ABC. The given information is:
Side a = 9
Side b = 15
Angle A = 28 degrees

To find the number of distinct solutions, we can check if the sum of the two known sides is greater than the remaining side for each possible side combination.

Case 1: a + b > c
9 + 15 > c
24 > c

In this case, we have confirmed that the sum of sides a and b is greater than the remaining side, c. Therefore, we have a valid triangle.

Now, we need to check if the angles satisfy the triangle inequality theorem as well.

Case 1a: 28 + x > 180
28 + x > 180
x > 180 - 28
x > 152

Therefore, angle C should be greater than 152 degrees.

Let's calculate angle C using the triangle angle sum theorem:
Angle C = 180 - 28 - C
Angle C = 152 - C

Now we have an inequality based on angle C:
C > 152 - C

Solving for C:
2C > 152
C > 76

Based on this inequality, angle C should be greater than 76 degrees.

Let's summarize our findings:
- Side c should be less than 24 units.
- Angle C should be greater than 76 degrees.

Now, let's move to the second case.

Case 2: a + c > b
9 + c > 15
c > 15 - 9
c > 6

In this case, we have confirmed that the sum of sides a and c is greater than the remaining side, b. Therefore, we have a valid triangle.

Similar to case 1, let's calculate angle C.
Angle C = 180 - 28 - B (since C is opposite B).
Angle C = 152 - B

Now we have an inequality based on angle C:
C > 152 - B

Solving for B:
B < 152 - C

Based on this inequality, angle B should be less than 152 - C.

Since we have only one angle measurement, A = 28 degrees, we can find the measure of angle B.

Angle B = 180 - A - C
Angle B = 180 - 28 - C
Angle B = 152 - C

Now we can substitute this into our inequality:
B < 152 - C

Let's summarize our findings:
- Side c should be greater than 6 units.
- Angle C should be less than 152 - B.

To determine the number of distinct solutions, we need to find the range of values that satisfy all the conditions mentioned above.

Combining the inequalities, we have:
24 > c > 6
76 < C < 152 - B

To find the number of distinct solutions, we need to consider the possible ranges for both side c and angle C. By trying different values for angle C and checking if they are within the valid range, we can determine the number of distinct solutions.

Since angle B depends on angle C and is determined as B = 152 - C, we can also try different values for angle C, calculate angle B using the equation B = 152 - C, and check if angle B is within the valid range.

By trying different values for angle C, we can determine if there are any additional distinct solutions that satisfy all the conditions.