100ml of h2s04 solution having molarity 1M and density 1.5g/ml is mixed with 400ml of water. Calculate final molarity of h2s04 solution if final density 1.25g/ml.

50ml of 20.8% bacl2 and 100ml of 9.8% h2s04 solution are mixed. Molarity of cl ions in the resulting solution is at.wt of ba =137

Who helps me to solve two questions

To solve these two questions, we need to apply the principles of molarity, density, and chemical composition. Let's break down each question and the steps required to solve them.

Question 1:

1. Calculate the initial number of moles of H2SO4 in the 100 ml solution using the molarity:
Initial moles = Molarity * Volume (in L)
= 1 mol/L * (100/1000) L
= 0.1 moles

2. Calculate the initial mass of H2SO4 in the 100 ml solution using the density:
Initial mass = Volume * Density
= 100 ml * 1.5 g/ml
= 150 g

3. Calculate the initial molarity (Mi) of the H2SO4 solution using the number of moles and volume:
Initial molarity (Mi) = Initial moles / Volume (in L)
= 0.1 moles / (100/1000) L
= 1 M

4. Calculate the final number of moles of H2SO4 in the solution after dilution with water:
Final moles = Initial moles of H2SO4
= 0.1 moles

5. Calculate the final volume of the solution after dilution:
Final volume = Initial volume + Volume of water added
= 100 ml + 400 ml
= 500 ml

6. Calculate the final mass of the solution after dilution using the new density:
Final mass = Volume * Density
= 500 ml * 1.25 g/ml
= 625 g

7. Calculate the final molarity (Mf) of the H2SO4 solution using the final moles and volume:
Final molarity (Mf) = Final moles / Volume (in L)
= 0.1 moles / (500/1000) L
= 0.2 M

Therefore, the final molarity of the H2SO4 solution is 0.2 M.

Question 2:

1. Calculate the mass of BaCl2 in the 50 ml solution using the concentration:
Mass of BaCl2 = Concentration * Volume
= 20.8 g/100 ml * 50 ml
= 10.4 g

2. Calculate the mass of H2SO4 in the 100 ml solution using the concentration:
Mass of H2SO4 = Concentration * Volume
= 9.8 g/100 ml * 100 ml
= 9.8 g

3. Calculate the number of moles of Cl ions coming from BaCl2:
Moles of Cl ions from BaCl2 = Mass of BaCl2 / Molar mass of BaCl2
= 10.4 g / 137 g/mol

4. Calculate the number of moles of Cl ions in the resulting solution:
Moles of Cl ions = Moles of Cl ions from BaCl2
= Moles of Cl ions from BaCl2

5. Calculate the volume of the resulting solution:
Volume of the resulting solution = Volume of BaCl2 solution + Volume of H2SO4 solution
= 50 ml + 100 ml
= 150 ml

6. Calculate the molarity (M) of Cl ions in the resulting solution using the moles and volume:
Molarity of Cl ions = Moles of Cl ions / Volume (in L)
= Moles of Cl ions / (150/1000) L

Therefore, the molarity of Cl ions in the resulting solution can be calculated using the given information.

I solved this for you twice last week.