I can't think of any that would work. It needs to be 800 words and "Explaining a Concept." It can't be a how-to, and it also can't be a general topic. I thought about talking about catering (I did it for a year) - but what would I write about it?

Any other suggestions for topics?

Hi Kat. Well since you've done it before you could talk about your experiences with it, how it was working with customers and other people, wether you enjoyed or not. You can explain how catering works and what you had to do in that job.

you can also google "essay topics" and go to the first website on there.

Here are suggestions for an 800 word...

How to diaper a baby.

How to load a dishwasher.

How to download and print pictures with Windows XP.

How to change the oil in a car.

How to prepare for a test.

How to apply facial makeup.

How to color ones hair.

Keep it simple in 800 words.

I can't do a how-to, it's an automatic F.

Since you catered for a year, what were your guiding principles for this job? I'm sure you wanted to provide appetizing, attractive, and good-tasting foods for your clients. Beyond that, did you stick with your own specialities? Or did you try to adapt your specialties to your clients' tastes? Did you specialize in any particular kinds of foods -- like fresh, locally grown, Italian, French, etc.?

I suggest you write about your concepts of catering.

These sites may help you develop your concept paper.

These sites may also help you.

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When looking for a suitable concept to explain in your 800-word essay, consider something that you are familiar with, have knowledge about, or have personal experiences with. Since you mentioned that catering is an option, let's explore how we can develop it into a concept worth explaining.

To begin, think about the various aspects of catering that you could focus on. Here are some possible points of emphasis:

1. Importance of Menu Planning: Discuss the significance of menu planning in catering, including factors like budget, guest preferences, dietary restrictions, and seasonal availability of ingredients.

2. Event Coordination: Explore how caterers coordinate with event organizers to ensure a seamless flow of food service, taking into account the number of guests, logistical considerations, and the overall theme or ambiance desired.

3. Culinary Creativity: Highlight the artistry and creativity that goes into crafting menus that are visually appealing, delicious, and reflective of various cuisines, dietary trends, and cultural influences.

4. Food Safety and Hygiene: Explain the importance of maintaining high food safety and hygiene standards in catering operations, covering practices such as food handling, storage, transportation, and compliance with health regulations.

5. Customer Service: Discuss the role of exceptional customer service in catering, encompassing aspects like effective communication, attentive staff, accommodating special requests, and providing memorable dining experiences.

6. Sustainable Catering Practices: Explore the growing trend of eco-friendly catering, including the use of locally sourced ingredients, minimizing food waste, recycling, and adopting sustainable packaging options.

To decide on the most suitable concept, reflect on your personal experiences in catering and consider which aspect resonates with you the most. Once you settle on a concept, you can begin the process of further research and gathering information to support your essay.

Remember, the key is to choose a concept that you are interested in and is narrow enough to provide a focused explanation within the 800-word limit. Good luck with your essay!