Which is an example of an algebraic expression?

2k + 25

z – 8 = 44

3 + 7 = 10

76 – 10


B is an equation, not an expression
C is too, and not even algebraic
D is just a constant expression

An algebraic expression must have at least one unknown and an equal sign.

The correct answer is A. 2k + 25.

An algebraic expression is a mathematical statement that contains variables, numbers, and operations. In this case, the expression 2k + 25 contains the variable "k," which represents an unknown value, and the numbers 2 and 25. The operations in the expression are addition (+) and multiplication (implicit multiplication between 2 and k). Therefore, this expression qualifies as an algebraic expression.

To determine the correct answer, you can analyze each option and identify if it meets the criteria of an algebraic expression. In option A, 2k + 25, it satisfies the requirements of including variables, numbers, and operations. In options B, C, and D, the expressions provided are equations or arithmetic statements instead of algebraic expressions.