a dry cleaner charges 18 dollars to clean 4 pair of pants how many pairs of pants can be cleaned for 27 dollars at the same rate

18/4 = 4.50 a pair

4.50x = 27

so i thick it is 6

To find out how many pairs of pants can be cleaned for $27 at the same rate, we need to determine the cost per pair of pants.

The dry cleaner charges $18 to clean 4 pairs of pants, so we can set up a proportion to find the cost per pair:

$18 / 4 pairs = $27 / x pairs

Cross multiplying, we get:

$18 * x pairs = $27 * 4 pairs

Multiplying both sides, we have:

$18x = $108

To isolate x (the number of pairs of pants), we divide both sides by $18:

$18x / $18 = $108 / $18

Simplifying, we get:

x = 6

Therefore, at the same rate, $27 will cover the cost of cleaning 6 pairs of pants.