In a shipment of 750 parts, 75 were found to be defective. What percent of parts were faulty?

To find the percent of parts that were faulty, you can use the following formula:

Percent faulty = (Number of faulty parts / Total number of parts) * 100

In this case, the number of faulty parts is 75, and the total number of parts is 750. So, let's substitute those values into the formula:

Percent faulty = (75 / 750) * 100

Now, let's calculate it:

Percent faulty = 0.1 * 100

Simplifying further:

Percent faulty = 10

Therefore, 10% of the parts in the shipment were found to be faulty.

To find the percentage of faulty parts, you can use the following formula:

Faulty parts percentage = (Number of faulty parts / Total number of parts) * 100

In this case, the number of faulty parts is 75, and the total number of parts is 750. Now, let's plug those values into the formula:

Faulty parts percentage = (75 / 750) * 100

Simplifying the expression:

Faulty parts percentage = 0.1 * 100

Therefore, the percentage of faulty parts is 10%.

Don't forget to multiply the answer you get by 100 to change the fraction to percent.

I am not going to give you the answer but I will tell you how to get it all you need to do is 75/750=? (divide) then you will have your answer. I was going to just answer it for you, but the more questions I read the more I think people just want the answers handed to them. So I figured I would tell you the process, now it is up to you to get the answer