
wut iz 3x+4=2x+7
Last question I answer with wut iz.

Subtract 2x from both sides.
combine terms.
subtract 4 from both sides.
combine terms

The idea here is to get the unknowns on one side (in this exammple the unknown is x) and everything else on the other side. All we have done is moved the xs to one side and the numbers to another and combined terms.


In the equation 3x + 4 = 2x + 7, the goal is to isolate the variable x on one side of the equation.

1. Start by subtracting 2x from both sides of the equation. This eliminates the 2x term on the right side of the equation.
3x - 2x + 4 = 2x - 2x + 7
x + 4 = 7

2. Next, subtract 4 from both sides of the equation to isolate the x term on the left side.
x + 4 - 4 = 7 - 4
x = 3

The solution to the equation is x = 3.