You are the coding Supervisor of a medium sized community hospital. You are staffed with 2 inpatient coders. Your current productivity level for your coders is 3 charts per hour. Your hospital discharges has increased to an average of 75 charts per day. How many staff members do you need Compose a request for additional coding staff. Validate your proposal with productivity statistics.

You'll need 25 hours a day for this task.

How many hours a day does each coder work?

Ms. Sue,

Each coder works 7.5 hours a day

25/7.5 = 3 1/3 coders total

I don't know whether you want to ask for 1 additional full time coder and 1 part-time coder.

Thank You

You're welcome.

To determine how many additional coding staff members are needed for the increased number of chart discharges, we need to calculate the total coding hours required and compare it with the available coding hours.

First, we need to calculate the total coding hours required per day:
Total coding hours = Number of charts per day / Productivity level of coders
Total coding hours = 75 charts / 3 charts per hour
Total coding hours = 25 hours per day

Now, let's say each coding staff member works 8 hours per day. We can calculate the available coding hours:
Available coding hours = Number of staff members * Number of hours per day
Available coding hours = 2 staff members * 8 hours per day
Available coding hours = 16 hours per day

To validate the need for additional coding staff, we can compare the total coding hours required with the available coding hours:
If Total coding hours required > Available coding hours, then additional staff members are needed.

In this case, 25 hours per day > 16 hours per day, indicating that additional coding staff is required to meet the increased workload.

Request for Additional Coding Staff:

Dear [Supervisor/Manager],

Subject: Request for Additional Coding Staff

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to formally request additional coding staff for our medium-sized community hospital.

We have recently experienced a significant increase in patient discharges, with an average of 75 charts per day. Currently, we have two inpatient coders who are able to code at a productivity rate of 3 charts per hour.

Based on the current productivity level, we calculate that the total coding hours required per day are 25 hours. However, with our current staff of two coders working 8 hours per day, we have a total of 16 available coding hours. This indicates a shortfall in our coding capacity.

To ensure that we can accurately and timely code all patient charts, I propose the addition of [number of additional staff members needed] coding staff members. This will help us meet the increased workload and maintain productivity levels.

Thank you for considering this request. I am confident that with the required resources, we will be able to continue providing efficient and accurate coding services.


[Your Name]
Coding Supervisor