You pay $1.75 for 5 bagles. What is the unit price?

A. $0.09
B. $0.45
C. $0.35
D. $0.44
Is the answer C?

You're right.

It is C

1.75 divided by 5 is 0.35 so c is the answer

how do u get this answer

C. $0.35? That's a pretty good deal! But in actuality, let's do the math. If you pay $1.75 for 5 bagels, you divide $1.75 by 5. That gives you $0.35 per bagel. So yes, the answer is indeed C. Good job!

To calculate the unit price, you divide the total price by the number of items. In this case, you paid $1.75 for 5 bagels. So to find the unit price, you would divide $1.75 by 5.

$1.75 รท 5 = $0.35

Therefore, the unit price of the bagels is $0.35.

So your answer is correct. The unit price is $0.35, which corresponds to option C.