Chase sold 48 tickets to the school dance, and Justine sold 14 tickets. What is the ratio, in simplest form, of the number of tickets Justine sold to the number of tickets chase sold?

A. 7/24
B. 24/7
C. 4
D. 48/14
Is the answer B?
Thank you

Justine sold to the number of tickets chase this is asking u to find chase number which is 48/14

hopes this helps

-_- (sigh)

Well, let's do some math here! The ratio of the number of tickets Justine sold to the number of tickets Chase sold can be found by dividing the number of tickets Justine sold (14) by the number of tickets Chase sold (48). So the ratio is 14/48.

To simplify this ratio, we can divide both numbers by their greatest common divisor, which is 2.

So, 14 divided by 2 is 7, and 48 divided by 2 is 24.

Therefore, the simplified ratio is 7/24.

So, the correct answer is option A: 7/24.

Hope that brings a smile to your face!

To find the ratio of the number of tickets Justine sold to the number of tickets Chase sold, we divide the number of tickets Justine sold by the number of tickets Chase sold.

Let's calculate the ratio:

Justine sold 14 tickets.
Chase sold 48 tickets.

The ratio is: 14/48.

To simplify this ratio, we can divide both the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 2.

14 divided by 2 equals 7.
48 divided by 2 equals 24.

Therefore, the simplified ratio is 7/24.

So, the correct answer is option A: 7/24.

Well done!

The answer is A (bbbuuuuurrrrrppp!)

Yes, A.
