wut iz,


do what the equation tells you
1)add 10+10+4
2)since in the other side of the eqaution you have 4x, in order to leave the X alone you must divide by 4 on both sides and you will get______
that is the value of X.
4)in order to make sure take the value of x and plugg it into the equation

wut iz,


wut iz I don't know?
What is I can help.
First combine terms.
Now divide both sides by 4 (what we do to one side we must also do to the other to keep the equality).
24/4 = 4x/4

Tell us what you don't undetstand if you don't get it.


To solve the equation 10+10+4=4x, follow these steps:

1) Add the numbers on the left side of the equation: 10+10+4 = 24. So, the equation becomes 24 = 4x.

2) To isolate the variable x, divide both sides of the equation by 4: 24/4 = 4x/4. This simplifies to 6 = x.

Therefore, x has a value of 6.

To verify the solution, substitute x=6 back into the original equation and check if both sides are equal:

10+10+4 = 4(6)
24 = 24

Since both sides are equal, the solution x=6 is correct.