Which is not an example of stimulus

A. the smell of baking bread
B. the sound of your alarm clock in the morning
C. the scream you give when someone scares you
d.the light from the sun

I think it is C. because the scream is the reaction to the stimuli, someone doing the scaring is the stimuli.
Is C. the correct answer

Yes, it is C.

Yes, you are correct! Option C, "the scream you give when someone scares you," is not an example of a stimulus. It is indeed a reaction or response that is triggered by a stimulus.

To understand this concept, it's important to remember that a stimulus is something that elicits a response or reaction. It can be any form of external or internal energy or information that activates our sensory receptors. In this case, the act of someone scaring you would be the stimulus, while the scream is your response or reaction to that stimulus.

On the other hand, options A, B, and D are examples of stimuli:

A. "The smell of baking bread" is a sensory experience that activates the olfactory receptors, and therefore, it is a stimulus.
B. "The sound of your alarm clock in the morning" is a distinct sound that triggers a response, making it a stimulus.
D. "The light from the sun" is a form of electromagnetic radiation that stimulates our visual receptors, indicating that it is indeed a stimulus.

So, in summary, C. "the scream you give when someone scares you" is the reaction or response to a stimulus, rather than the stimulus itself.